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Improve the appearance of your legs with sclerotherapy, the gold standard in vein treatment. This minimally invasive procedure involves injecting a special solution into unwanted veins, causing them to collapse and fade from view.

Safe and successful vein treatment.

Sclerotherapy is a popular method of eliminating superficial talangiectasis, or “spider veins.” During the procedure, a saline solution called a sclerosing agent is injected into the veins. The process causes a gradual fading of the treated vessels and ultimately they disappear over a period of several months.

Does sclerotherapy work for everyone?

Most people treated have good results. However, there is no guarantee that sclerotherapy will be effective in every case. Approximately 10% of patients who undergo sclerotherapy have poor to fair results.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments differs from patient to patient depending on the extent of spider veins present. One to six or more treatments may be needed. The average number of treatments is three to four. Individual veins usually require one to three treatments.

How long is each sclerotherapy session?

The injection portion of each session takes only 15 to 30 minutes on average to complete, though this can vary depending on the size and extent of the treatment area.

Do I have to limit any activity after the treatment?

Walking regularly after you you have had sclerotherapy is recommended. This encourages good circulation. However, you should not participate in any strenuous activity for the initial days after your treatment.

Can sclerotherapy be done on the arms or face?

Yes, it is currently considered safe to perform sclerotherapy on the hands, arms, and face. We will discuss in detail options for treating blemishes and vein problems in these delicate areas.

What are the most common side effects of sclerotherapy?

Bruising, which will last one to several weeks. Use of support hose may be recommended, and avoidance of alcohol and anticoagulant medications for 72 hours prior to each treatment session may minimize effects.

  • Approximately 30% of patients notice a discoloration of light brown streaks after treatment. In rare instances, this darkening of the vein may persist for four to twelve months.
  • Some may experience mild pain at the site of the injection. The veins may be tender to the touch after treatment. The pain is usually temporary and, in most cases, lasts from 1-7 days.
  • Blood accumulation in treated vessels may present a tender bump at the treatment site. The use of prescribed compression hosiery will minimize this possibility.

Please read these pre/post-treatment instructions.